Mundane Adventures

Journal entries from an already explored frontier

New Start

19 January 2023

So, a new site in addition to my technical writing. Why? As cliche as it may sound, I’ve decided that after writing off-and-on over the years about technical topics, I’d like to return to writing again. While I do plan to keep exploring more technical topics, I’ve also decided to try to write more about my personal life, challenges I’m going through, minor and mundane adventures I’m having, and just generally try to be more open.

I’m not really entirely sure what is prompting this willingness, and even desire, to share more online. Perhaps it’s wanting to share more with my friends that are increasingly spread across the planet. Maybe it’s feeling like sharing about the little things I do and challenges I experience can be informative or helpful for others. I’m really not sure, I just know that the thought to do so struck me, and since I’m recovering from some medical work, now is as good a time as any to start.

So, let’s get started.